Gymnastics For All


MAG Trial Session For Boys Born In 2017, 2018 & 2019

Categories // Gymnastics For All

Do you have a male gymnast who is passionate and motivated and would like to enter the exciting world of competitive gymnastics?

We are running an open trial, looking for boys born in 2017, 2018 and 2019 to join our Mens  Artistic Gymnastics (MAG) Foundation groups. Please note that boys have to be of statutory school age to be included (born up to and including 31st August 2019). If your child is born after this date he is too young.  

Our MAG groups are for those gymnasts who have the potential to take their gymnastics participation further than our one hour weekly classes and provide the opportunity to join the competitive pathway,

We will be assessing fundamental qualities needed for gymnastics - strength, flexibility and co-ordination, but no specific gymnastics experience is necessary to attend the session, just motivation. passion and enthusiasm for gymnastics.

The trial session will take place on Saturday 18th May from 3.30pm-4.30pm.

For those boys who are successful there will be the opportunity to join one of our groups..

The cost of each session is £10.00 and is open to both NGA members and non-members.

Places are limited CLICK HERE to book

Stay & Play Sessions 


Our May Half-Term Holiday Activities Are Now Available To book

Categories // Gymnastics For All

Bookings are now open for our May half-term activities! Members and non-members can join in!

  • Holiday activity camps
  • Handstands & Cartwheels skills workshops
  • Flips, Twists & Trick workshop 
  • Trampoline workshops
  • Stay & play Sessions

CLICK HERE for full details and to book.


  Play Sessions 



Categories // Gymnastics For All

Here is the latest information about access to the Rushcliffe School / Notts Gymnastics Academy site during the construction project.

As we go through this period of work, please remember that we are within a building site and to follow any commands given by work crew on site. Follow safety signs and be aware that at times large machinery and trucks may be moving around the site.

There are currently significant changes to the car park with a loss of capacity Please allow plenty of time on arrival and be prepared to park in the side streets if necessary.

Please park respectfully. Make sure that local residents continue to have access to their drives and that you don't cause issues for emergency vehicles.

Please DO NOT park in the NCT bus stop layby or double park on the site loop access road.  The bus company has complained about access issues to the bus stop and the road.

We appreciate that the site is shared with the school and FSM (football) which causes additional demand.

Repair Work following the Flood in October 2023

We are very pleased to be able to update you regarding the ongoing work to repair the foam pits. As you are aware we suffered severe flooding damage in October, which hugely impacted our foam pits.  As a result, we have had a section of our main gym hall out of action ever since.

Work is going well and we expect to have the pits reinstated and ready to use by the 9th April 2024.  It has taken some time, but it will be great to have them back!

Impact of building work on: 

Gym Space: hoarding has erected to cordon off the area the contractors will be working in, altering the main gym space available for our use.

Access to the main gym: hoarding has been erected outside the building blocking the current squad entrance through the blue double doors for the duration of the build. Access is via the temporary main entrance (see below).

Toilet Facilities: All toilet facilities are currently external temporary toilets.

We ask all gymnasts to ensure they go to the toilet prior to their session to minimise disruption to training. Toilets will be accessed via the sports hall fire doors.. Toilet breaks will be encouraged on rotation between equipment and gymnasts will be supervised when making trips to the toilet block. Gymnasts will need footwear, and coats in poor weather to access the toilets.

Changes to operations: 

Gym Layout: the layout of the main gym has been adjusted and timetables are being carefully planned to support all groups working in a more compact space. In addition we will be moving some equipment into the sports hall for use by by squad gymnasts as well as working in the main gym.

Drop off / Access:  all gymnasts to be dropped off at the blue doors, usually called the GFA entrance (the first you reach before the sports hall doors). Coaches will meet gymnasts her around 5 minutes before session start time and we ask your support with punctuality to avoid further impacts to training.

Coaches will escort gymnasts through to the main gym. Shoes must be taken off before entering the main gym

Collection after sessions: will remain the same - via the fire door exit of the sports hall.

Please be aware that all gymnasts will be using the same entrance so the area will become quite busy at times. 

Thank you for your support during this period. We look forward to having an improved facility and welcoming parents and gymnasts into the building.

The Temporary Main / GFA Entrance 

From the Rushcliffe School Reception. Go through the green pedestrian gate and walk up the drive. Bear right, up the sloping drive past all the construction fencing.  

Turn left at the top of the drive and the GFA entrance is the first door on your left.




Categories // Gymnastics For All

We've teamed up with One Lottery, a national charity lottery established to help good causes throughout the UK to set up a fundraising lottery.

One Lottery Advert


CLICK HERE for more details and to join!




Categories // Gymnastics For All

We are sure that you will have seen on the news and through our social media pages that our main foam pits were flooded as a result of the excessive rain fall from storm Babet.

The staff team would like to say a huge thank you to all the parents who have volunteered their time to helps us deal with this crisis.  There was a huge amount of foam that needed to be moved and a big clean up operation afterwards.

We have set up a fundraising page to help with reinstating the foam pits.  We are grateful for any donations made to the fund and would be grateful if you could share the link with friends and family.

Help - Our gymnastics pit has flooded! - JustGiving

Thank you for your support.

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NGA Olympic Gymnasts

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