Waiting List

Waiting List

You can register on our waiting list, for our weekly Gymnastics For All classes, or PreSchool classes by clicking on the link below. You can also register for our PreSchool and Adult email update lists

Our Weekly Gymnastics For All Classes

Register here if you are interested in our Gymnastics For All weekly classes.

Our Gymnastics For All classes are organised by school year. While we do our best to include as many children as we can, unfortunately there is likely to be a long wait for our Foundation Year to Year 4 classes. There may be some availability for a start straightaway for other school year groups, depending on your session preferences.

When registering, as much flexibility as possible can be a help, and if your session preferences change, please let us know by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Starting may be delayed if we have out-of-date information.

If you agree to us sending you emails, we can also let you know about other sessions that we are running, such holiday activities. These are advertised  on our website too, so visit regularly if you prefer us not to contact you until a class is available. 

There is a weekly timetable under the Gym For All / Weekly Classes tab on our website if you wish to check out the session times.

When a place is available in a class you have indicated, we will contact you. 


NGA Registration Form Please use for:
Gymnastics For All weekly classes
Squad Enquiries
PreSchool classes
PreSchool email updates - for information about our Stay & Play sessions and other activities
Adults email updates - for information about our Adult drop-in sessions 




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