Key Dates For The Term

GFA Key Dates Information

Our classes run all year round, with the exception of a break between Christmas and New Year and for the Easter weekend. We don't close in the school holidays or at half-term. 

Individual sessions which are planned not to run due to bank holidays, competitions, events and staff training days at the gym are included in the Key Dates information shown below. Unless indicated otherwise, all upcoming sessions are scheduled to run. 

We will run additional bookable activities in the holidays where possible. These can be booked separately. We follow the Nottinghamshire school term dates when planning our additional activities such as activity camps and workshops. Your term dates may be different though. Click Here For More Information About Term Dates


Dates For Your Diary

Spring Term 2025



Presentation of awards achieved before Christmas  will commence from Monday 20th January.

Pleae bear in mind that children are not necessarily expected to pass a new award each time, particularly as skills become more complex. Children progress at their own rate and shouldn't be disheartened if they haven't achieved all the skills they need this time.  


Sessions Not Running

No GFA sessions will run on the following dates:

Wednesday 1st January - New Year's Day
Thursday 2nd January - Staff Training Day

Saturday 22nd February - Mens & Womens Squad Invitational competition
Sunday 23rd February - Mens & Womens Squad Invitational competition 

Friday 18th April - Good Friday
Saturday 19th April - Easter Saturday
Sunday 20th April - Easter Sunday
Monday 21st April - Easter Monday

Monday 5th May - Early May Bank Holiday
Monday 26th May - Spring Bank Holiday

Further updates will follow.








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