
Sunday Stay-and-Play Sessions for 5s and Under

Categories // Gymnastics For All

Book now for our Sunday Stay-and-Play Sessions

 Book here for our Sunday morning PreSchool parent / carer supervised free-play sessions 

The session is suitable for children aged 5 years and under and costs £6.50 per child.

All sessions will need to be pre-booked. 

To check out availabilty and to book, visit the Activities / Other Sessions tab or click on the link below.

Bookings are now via our new system, CoursePro. Payment is via debit / credit card. Please take care when entering your card details as information that does not match with the details held by your card supplier will result in the transaction / booking failing.

Click on this link to book

 If you need any assistance, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Attending The Sessions

Where to find us

We are on the Rushcliffe School (Rushcliffe Spencer Academy) site on Boundary Road in West Bridgford (NG2 7BW).

The car-park can be busy at weekends, so please allow enough time to find a space and walk up to the gym. 

Accessing the Gym  - When You Arrive

From the Rushcliffe School Reception. Go through the green pedestrian gate and up the drive. Bear right, up the sloping drive past the grassed area and up the new access drive on the left. You will see our main entrance on the right.

What to wear for the session

PE/comfy clothing such as a t-shirt, leotard, shorts or leggings; No belts, buckles, zips, ties or hoods please.

Parents - please wear suitable clothing for the surroundings. You will need to remove footwear.

Please make that sure no jewellery is worn. Pierced earrings, medical or religious items which can't be removed must be covered with plasters, tape or a suitable covering such as a sweatband.

Long hair must be tied back.

Food & Drinks while attending

A suitable drink in a sports bottle is a good idea (absolutely no glass bottles). No food is to consumed in the gym.

Equipment / Apparatus Guidelines

  • Gymnasts have access to all the facilities, unless otherwise stated by the coaching team. 
  • Stay-and-play sessions are for basic gymnastics skills only. No flips or somersaults are to be performed on or off the equipment.
  • Only ONE child is allowed on the trampoline at any time.
  • The rings should be hand-held only (no legs). No swinging on the rings as this damages them.

General Guidelines

  • Please note that we are a nut free club. Please do not bring any products containing nuts into our facility.
  • The Rushcliffe School site is a no-smoking / vaping zone. Please do not smoke or vape  in our facility or throughout the site. 
  • In line with British Gymnastics policy, no photography or filming is permitted.
  • Children remain the responsibility of the accompanying parent whilst attending.
  • Parents must accompany their children at all times
  • Any dangerous behaviour will be stopped by our coaching team. The safety of all participants is paramount.
  • Please limit supervision to your own children. If you have issues or concerns with other participants, please bring it to the attention of our coaching staff.

Cancellations / Refunds

We realise that plans may change and will do our best to help, but we do have some terms and conditions:

  • More than 7 days before the day of the activity: A full refund can be requested minus a £2.00 administration fee.
  • Notice of between 7 days and up to 48 hours before the day of the activity: A transfer to, or credit towards, a suitable alternative activity (subject to availability / with time limit) will be permitted. No refund will be due.
  • Notice of less than 48 hours before the day of the activity, if you miss the session or if you arrive too late to take part: No refund or session transfer will be applicable. 


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