Gymnastics For All


Sunday Stay-and-Play Sessions for 5s and Under

Categories // Gymnastics For All

Book now for our Sunday Stay-and-Play Sessions

 Book here for our Sunday morning (8.45-9.30) PreSchool parent / carer supervised free-play sessions 

The session is suitable for children aged 5 years and under and costs £6.50 per child.

All sessions will need to be pre-booked. 

To check out availabilty and to book, visit the Activities / Other Sessions tab or click on the link below.



Please note that there is no session running on Sunday 29th September due to a competition at the gym.

Weekday sessions also run in the school holidays for under 5s and under 10s



Categories // Gymnastics For All

Here is the latest information about access to the Rushcliffe School / Notts Gymnastics Academy site during the construction project.

As we go through this period of work, please remember that we are within a building site and to follow any commands given by work crew on site. Follow safety signs and be aware that at times large machinery and trucks may be moving around the site.

There are currently significant changes to the car park with a loss of capacity Please allow plenty of time on arrival and be prepared to park in the side streets if necessary.

Please park respectfully. Make sure that local residents continue to have access to their drives and that you don't cause issues for emergency vehicles.

Please DO NOT park in the NCT bus stop layby or double park on the site loop access road.  The bus company has complained about access issues to the bus stop and the road.

We appreciate that the site is shared with the school and FSM (football) which causes additional demand.


The next exciting phase of the project is now starting, with work begining on our GFA training spaces. This means changes to access from 29th July and throughout the summer holidays.


All Gymnast Access From Thursday 1st August

Please be advised that from Thursday 1st August, and until further notice, all access will be via the main entrance / new mezzanine level. Access via the usual GFA Entrance or Sports Hall will not be possible.

To access, walk along the back of the gym, up the sloping path, past the football pitches, turn left, then left again. The main entrance is ahead of you.

Drop-off and collection will be on the mezzanine level. Gymnasts will be met by their coach on arrival, or as arranged and communicated separately.


New Office / Social Space

It's great to be able to confirm that our gym office has now moved to its new home on the top floor of the main gym building.

We now have a new social hub where you can wait while sessions are running. There are vending machines and CCTV so that you can observe the sessions running in the gym (currently the main gym space, but will soon be expanded the cover the Sports Hall too). There are also plugs and USB connections so that you can plug in a laptop or phone. The Social Hub is on the top floor of the gym building and will be signposted.


Our October Half-Term Holiday Activities Will Be Available To Book Soon

Categories // Gymnastics For All

Bookings will open at the end of September for our October half-term holiday activities! Members and non-members can join in!

  • Holiday activity camps
  • Handstands & Cartwheels skills workshops
  • Flips, Twists & Trick workshop 
  • Stay & play Sessions


CLICK HERE for full details of current sessinos available and to book.


  Play Sessions 



Categories // Gymnastics For All

Our Adult drop-in sessions run on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8.15pm-10.15pm

For more details about our adult sessions CLICK HERE




Categories // Gymnastics For All

We've teamed up with One Lottery, a national charity lottery established to help good causes throughout the UK to set up a fundraising lottery.

One Lottery Advert


CLICK HERE for more details and to join!


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